Having spent the better part of the last year developing the framework of the Veterans Airlift Command, and now having passed the 100 mission mark, I thought it might be good to begin to write more often about what we do . I have always thought it a good idea to communicate with our volunteers and other interested parties on a more regular basis, but have been far too busy designing web applications, recruiting pilots and aircraft owners, spreading the word at military hospitals and scheduling missions to get much else done.
My original intent was to make my airplane available to families around MN traveling to and from our VA hospital. You can see how far out of hand this has gotten. But the response has been so positive, there seems to be no alternative but to forge ahead and continue to build the kind of organization that will honor our wounded warriors by its service, and be one with which you will be proud to associate.
Following this entry, I intend to update our readers about missions flown and related stories about our highly esteemed passengers and their families.
I invite our volunteer pilots, passengers, aircraft owners or other interested parties to submit entries or comments as well.
Walter L. Fricke
Veterans Airlift Command